Psychologie / Psychanalyse
15 produits trouvés
? ???????? ??? ??????? ??? Maslow : ????????? ??????? ??u????? ??????????? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??????????? ???? ?????????
Pierre Pichère
- 50Minutes.Com
- 20 Janvier 2023
- 9782808601634
?????????? ??? ????? ??? ????????? ??? ??????? ??? ??????? (?????? ??? ?? ????u??? ??? ??????? ??? ???????) ?? u???? 50 ????? u? ???? ?? ???????? ??? ????????? ??????. ???? ?????????? ??? ?? ???u? ???, ? ???????? ??? ??????? ??? ??????? ????? u?? ???????????? ??? ???????????? ??? ????u?????? ???????. ????????? ??? ??? ?????????? u?????? ??? ??u?????????? ?????? ??? ???? ?u????????? ?????????? Abraham Maslow ??? Carl Rogers u? ?? u???? ???????? ?????????, ?? ?????? ???????? ??????u??????? ?? u?? ????u???. ???? ? ????u??? ????????? ????? ??????? ?? ?????????? ??? ?????????? ??????? ??? ?????u????????? ?? ????? ???? ??u??? ??? ??????u???? ???u??, ????? ??? u????????? ??? ?? ????????. ?? ?????? ???? ??? ??????? u?? ???????? ???????? ???? ?????????? ???????, ??? ??u???????? ??? ??? ??? ??????? ??? ??????????? ??? ??? ???????? ?????, ???? ? ????????????. ??? u??? ?? u????? ??? ?? ????????????? ?? ????? ??????? ???????, ???? ?? ????????? ?????? u?????? ??????????? ??? ??? ????u????? ???, ?? ??????????? ??? ?????u??? ??? u???????, ??u??????u????u???? ??? ???????????u??, ??? ?? u????? ??? ?????? u??????, ???? ? ?????? ERG. ??????? u? ??? ????????? ??? ??????? ??? Maslow : ? ????????? ??? ??????? ??? ??????? ?u????????? ?? ???????? ??? 1940 ??? ???? ?? ????? ?? ????????? u?? ??? ?????????? ???? ???????????? ?????????. ? ??????? ???????????? ????? ??????????? ??????? ???????: ??????? ??? ????????, ??????????, ????u???, ????????u????? ??? ???????????? ???????. ?? u?????? ????????? ??? ???? ??? ????????u????? ??????????u? ??? ???????, ?????? ??? ??????????? ?? ??????????? ??????, ???? ?? ??????. ?? ???? ?? ??????, ?? ??????????? ??? ? ???????? ??? ??????? ??? Maslow u????? ?? ??? ????????, ?? u????? ??? ?? ?? ?????u????????? ??? ?? ????????????? ??? ??????? ??? ?? ?????u????????? ?? ????????u??? ??? ?? ??????u????? ??? ??????????? u?????????. ??? ????? ??????? ??? ?????????u???? ??? ??? ??????? u????????u???? ??? u??????, u?? ???????? u??? ????????? u?????? ?????????? ??? u?? ???????? ?? ?????? u?????? ??? ?????? ?? ???????? ??? ?????????? ??? ?? ??????u????? ??? ?????????? ??? ???? ????????? ???.
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Denken, snel en langzaam : Een boek over de denkfouten die de menselijke besluitvorming kunnen schaden
Dries Glorieux
- 50minutes.Com
- 20 Janvier 2023
- 9782808064316
In Thinking, Fast and Slow legt Daniel Kahneman uit waarom mensen vaak foute en irrationele beslissingen nemen, en presenteert hij een reeks inzichten die hij in de loop van tientallen jaren in zijn werk met Amos Tversky heeft vergaard. Deze duidelijke en gedetailleerde samenvatting en analyse is een waardevol hulpmiddel voor iedereen die Kahnemans bestseller wil begrijpen: het bevat een grondige uitleg van de doelstellingen van de auteur, een bespreking van de belangrijkste concepten die in zijn werk worden onderzocht, waaronder heuristiek en vertekeningen, en definities van belangrijke termen, zoals verankering en het schenkeffect. Het biedt ook een inleiding tot de impact van het werk van Kahneman op gebieden als psychologie, politieke wetenschap en gedragseconomie, en een bespreking van de belangrijkste punten van kritiek op zijn werk, zodat u in slechts 50 minuten alles krijgt wat u nodig hebt om dit invloedrijke boek te begrijpen.
Over Thinking, Fast and Slow : Thinking, Fast and Slow identificeert twee denksystemen, aangeduid als Systeem 1 en Systeem 2, die bepalen hoe we informatie verwerken en beslissingen nemen. Dit zijn respectievelijk de snelle en trage uit de titel, en zij werken met elkaar samen om ons te helpen keuzes te maken. Het boek onderzoekt ook de vooroordelen en denkfouten die mensen ertoe brengen irrationeel te handelen, geïllustreerd met case studies en voorbeelden uit de praktijk. Over Daniel Kahneman : Daniel Kahneman is een Israëlisch-Amerikaanse psycholoog en econoom. Hij is vooral bekend om zijn langdurige samenwerking met de psycholoog Amos Tversky, met wie hij het onderzoek naar besluitvorming uitvoerde dat hem in 2002 de Nobelprijs voor economische wetenschappen opleverde. Zijn onderzoek, in het bijzonder zijn samenwerking door de jaren heen met Richard Thaler, de Nobelprijswinnaar van 2017, heeft een belangrijke rol gespeeld bij de oprichting van het vakgebied van de gedragseconomie. Kahneman is momenteel emeritus hoogleraar psychologie en publieke zaken aan de Princeton University.Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
Pensieri lenti e veloci : Un libro sulle fallacie che possono compromettere il processo decisionale umano
Dries Glorieux
- 50minutes.Com
- 20 Janvier 2023
- 9782808065184
In Pensiero, veloce e lento, Daniel Kahneman spiega perché gli esseri umani prendono spesso decisioni sbagliate e irrazionali e presenta una serie di intuizioni raccolte nel corso di decenni di lavoro con Amos Tversky. Questo riassunto e analisi, chiaro e dettagliato, è una risorsa preziosa per chiunque voglia comprendere il bestseller di Kahneman: presenta una spiegazione approfondita degli obiettivi dell'autore, una discussione dei principali concetti esplorati nel suo lavoro, tra cui l'euristica e i pregiudizi, e le definizioni di termini chiave, come l'ancoraggio e l'effetto dotazione. Fornisce inoltre un'introduzione all'impatto del lavoro di Kahneman in campi quali la psicologia, le scienze politiche e l'economia comportamentale, e una discussione delle principali critiche mosse al suo lavoro, fornendo tutto ciò che serve per comprendere questo libro influente in soli 50 minuti. Informazioni su Pensiero, velocità e lentezza: Thinking, Fast and Slow identifica due sistemi di pensiero, denominati Sistema 1 e Sistema 2, che regolano il modo in cui elaboriamo le informazioni e prendiamo le decisioni. Sono rispettivamente il veloce e il lento del titolo e interagiscono tra loro per aiutarci a fare delle scelte. Il libro esplora anche i pregiudizi e le fallacie che portano gli esseri umani ad agire in modo irrazionale, illustrati con casi di studio ed esempi reali.
Informazioni su Daniel Kahneman : Daniel Kahneman è uno psicologo ed economista israelo-americano. È noto in particolare per la sua lunga collaborazione con lo psicologo Amos Tversky, con il quale ha condotto le ricerche sul processo decisionale che gli sono valse il Premio Nobel per le Scienze Economiche nel 2002. Le sue ricerche, in particolare la collaborazione con Richard Thaler, vincitore del Premio Nobel 2017, hanno contribuito in modo significativo alla nascita del campo dell'economia comportamentale. Kahneman è attualmente professore emerito di psicologia e affari pubblici all'Università di Princeton.Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
Pensar, rapido e lento : Um livro sobre as falacias que podem prejudicar a tomada de decisões humanas
Glorieux Dries
- 50minutes.Com
- 20 Janvier 2023
- 9782808066051
Em Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman explica porque é que os humanos tomam frequentemente decisões erradas e irracionais, e apresenta uma série de insights recolhidos ao longo de décadas no seu trabalho com Amos Tversky. Este resumo e analise clara e detalhada é um recurso valioso para quem quer compreender o livro mais vendido de Kahneman: apresenta uma explicação completa dos objectivos do autor, uma discussão dos principais conceitos explorados na sua obra, incluindo heuristica e preconceitos, e definições de termos chave, tais como ancorar e o efeito de dotação. Fornece também uma introdução ao impacto do trabalho de Kahneman em campos como a psicologia, ciência politica e economia comportamental, e uma discussão das principais criticas que foram niveladas à sua obra, dando-lhe tudo o que precisa para compreender este influente livro em apenas 50 minutos. Sobre Pensar, Rapido e Lento : Thinking, Fast and Slow identifica dois sistemas de pensamento, referidos como Sistema 1 e Sistema 2, que regem a forma como processamos a informação e tomamos decisões. Estes são o rapido e o lento do titulo, respectivamente, e interagem um com o outro para nos ajudar a fazer escolhas. O livro também explora os preconceitos e falacias que levam os seres humanos a agir de forma irracional, ilustrados com estudos de casos e exemplos da vida real. Sobre Daniel Kahneman : Daniel Kahneman é um psicólogo e economista israelo-americano. É conhecido em particular pela sua colaboração de longa data com o psicólogo Amos Tversky, com quem realizou a pesquisa sobre a tomada de decisões que lhe valeu o Prémio Nobel Memorial em Ciências Económicas em 2002. A sua investigação, especificamente a sua colaboração ao longo dos anos com Richard Thaler, o vencedor do Prémio Nobel de 2017, desempenhou um papel significativo ao ajudar a estabelecer o campo da economia comportamental. Kahneman é actualmente professor emérito de psicologia e assuntos públicos na Universidade de Princeton.
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My?lenie, szybkie i wolne : Ksi??ka o b??dach, które mog? upo?ledza? ludzki proces decyzyjny
Dries Glorieux
- 50minutes.Com
- 20 Janvier 2023
- 9782808099882
W ksi??ce My?lenie szybkie i powolne Daniel Kahneman wyja?nia, dlaczego ludzie cz?sto podejmuj? b??dne i nieracjonalne decyzje, oraz przedstawia szereg spostrze?e? zebranych w ci?gu kilkudziesi?ciu lat pracy z Amosem Tverskim. To jasne i szczegó?owe streszczenie i analiza jest cennym ?ród?em dla ka?dego, kto chce zrozumie? bestsellerow? ksi??k? Kahnemana: zawiera dok?adne wyja?nienie celów autora, omówienie g?ównych koncepcji badanych w jego pracy, w tym heurystyki i uprzedze?, oraz definicje kluczowych terminów, takich jak zakotwiczenie i efekt obdarowania. Zawiera równie? wprowadzenie do wp?ywu pracy Kahnemana w dziedzinach takich jak psychologia, nauki polityczne i ekonomia behawioralna, a tak?e omówienie g?ównych krytycznych uwag, które zosta?y na?o?one na jego prac?, daj?c ci wszystko, czego potrzebujesz, aby zrozumie? t? wp?ywow? ksi??k? w zaledwie 50 minut.
O ksi??ce My?lenie, szybko i powoli : Thinking, Fast and Slow identyfikuje dwa systemy my?lowe, okre?lane jako System 1 i System 2, które rz?dz? tym, jak przetwarzamy informacje i podejmujemy decyzje. S? to tytu?owe szybko i wolno, które wspó?dzia?aj? ze sob?, pomagaj?c nam dokonywa? wyborów. Ksi??ka bada równie? uprzedzenia i b??dy, które prowadz? ludzi do dzia?ania w sposób irracjonalny, ilustrowane studiami przypadków i przyk?adami z ?ycia. O Danielu Kahnemanie : Daniel Kahneman jest izraelsko-ameryka?skim psychologiem i ekonomist?. Znany jest przede wszystkim ze swojej wieloletniej wspó?pracy z psychologiem Amosem Tverskym, z którym przeprowadzi? badania nad podejmowaniem decyzji, które przynios?y mu Nagrod? Nobla w dziedzinie nauk ekonomicznych w 2002 roku. Jego badania, a zw?aszcza wieloletnia wspó?praca z Richardem Thalerem, laureatem Nagrody Nobla z 2017 roku, odegra?y znacz?c? rol? w tworzeniu dziedziny ekonomii behawioralnej. Kahneman jest obecnie emerytowanym profesorem psychologii i spraw publicznych na Uniwersytecie Princeton.Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
Conquer Your Jealousy : Banish the green-eyed monster once and for all
- 50minutes.Com
- 20 Juin 2017
- 9782806298799
Change is only 50 minutes away! Find out everything you need to know about overcoming jealousy with this straightforward guide.
Although most of us have experienced jealousy at some point, in its most extreme form it can destroy trust, ruin relationships and even end in violence. To stop this powerful emotion from poisoning your relationships, you need to identify what is causing it, understand the harm it can do and take steps to control your feelings.
In just 50 minutes you will be able to:
-Identify the reasons for your jealousy
-Understand the devastating effects of jealousy in relationships
-Let go of your fears and trust your partner
The Health and Wellbeing series from the 50Minutes collection is perfect for anyone looking to be healthier and happier in their personal life. Our guides cover a range of topics, from social anxiety to getting ready for a new baby, and provide simple, practical advice and suggestions to allow you to reduce stress, strengthen your relationships and increase your wellbeing.Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
Gestalt Psychology for Marketing and Leadership : Influence customer perceptions and make your advertising more memorable
- 50minutes.Com
- 2 Septembre 2015
- 9782806270054
Influence customer perceptions and make your advertising more memorable!
This book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding and implementing Gestalt psychology, providing you with the essential information and saving time.
In 50 minutes you will be able to:
- Understand the basic principles of Gestalt psychology and what they reveal about the functioning of the human brain
- Learn how you can use this theory as a psychology-based tool in marketing and management practices
- Identify each of the Gestalt laws and recognize how you can apply them to target customers more effectively, change their perceptions of products and influence their buying behavior
ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | Management & Marketing
50MINUTES.COM provides the tools to quickly understand the main theories and concepts that shape the economic world of today. Our publications are easy to use and they will save you time. They provide elements of theory and case studies, making them excellent guides to understand key concepts in just a few minutes. In fact, they are the starting point to take action and push your business to the next level.Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
Change is only 50 minutes away! Find out everything you need to know about developing your assertiveness with this straightforward guide.
Virtually all of us have struggled with assertiveness at one point or another, and the prospect of standing up for ourselves at work, in relationships or even in our families can be daunting. Fortunately, with a little practice we can hone our communication skills to ensure that our needs are respected, learn to express our needs and beliefs without fear and reach compromises that satisfy everyone involved.
In just 50 minutes you will be able to:
-Understand why you are struggling to assert yourself -Eliminate the negative thoughts that are undermining your self-esteem -Communicate clearly and effectively in any situation ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | HEALTH AND WELLBEING The Health and Wellbeing series from the 50Minutes collection is perfect for anyone looking to be healthier and happier in their personal life. Our guides cover a range of topics, from social anxiety to getting ready for a new baby, and provide simple, practical advice and suggestions to allow you to reduce stress, strengthen your relationships and increase your wellbeing.Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
Change is only 50 minutes away! Find out everything you need to know about dealing with anxiety attacks with this straightforward guide.
Between 4 and 7% of the population suffers from anxiety, meaning a generalised sense of fear and nervousness that can lead to anxiety attacks if the sufferer is exposed to a particularly stressful situation. These attacks are characterised by a spiralling sensation of panic and impending doom, and leave victims feeling emotionally, mentally and physically exhausted. This guide provides a clear, simple explanation of a range of techniques that can reduce general levels of anxiety, thus making a fully-fledged anxiety attack less likely, as well as an introduction to a number of breathing exercises that can help you break out of an ongoing anxiety attack.
In just 50 minutes you will be able to:
-Understand the nature of anxiety attacks
-Identify the symptoms and causes of anxiety
-Discover ways you can alleviate anxiety and cut anxiety attacks short
The Health and Wellbeing series from the 50Minutes collection is perfect for anyone looking to be healthier and happier in their personal life. Our guides cover a range of topics, from social anxiety to getting ready for a new baby, and provide simple, practical advice and suggestions to allow you to reduce stress, strengthen your relationships and increase your wellbeing.Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
How to beat bullying at school : simple steps to put an end to bullying
- 50minutes.Com
- 20 Juin 2017
- 9782808000550
Change is only 50 minutes away! Find out everything you need to know about dealing with your bullies with this straightforward guide.Unfortunately, bullying is one of the biggest problems for schoolchildren, and recent technological developments have only made things worse. But there is no need to suffer in silence! The best thing you - or your child - can do is to talk about it. Although it may seem that things will never get better, there are several effective ways to deal with bullies. In just 50 minutes you will be able to:-Share what you are going through with other people-Take practical steps to put an end to bullying-Help your child to recover from bullyingABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | HEALTH AND WELLBEINGThe Health and Wellbeing series from the 50Minutes collection is perfect for anyone looking to be healthier and happier in their personal life. Our guides cover a range of topics, from social anxiety to getting ready for a new baby, and provide simple, practical advice and suggestions to allow you to reduce stress, strengthen your relationships and increase your wellbeing.
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It can be hard for busy professionals to find the time to read the latest books. Stay up to date in a fraction of the time with this concise guide.Outliers: The Story of Success is an engaging, thought-provoking look at the external factors that can determine an individual's personal success. Through a series of carefully selected anecdotes about highly successful individuals, Malcolm Gladwell sets out to disprove the myth of the self-made man by illustrating the opportunities, advantages and cultural factors that gave these 'outliers' in their fields the extra boost they needed to consolidate their success. Among the book's key concepts are the 10 000 Hour Rule (the hours of practice necessary to become an expert) and the Matthew Effect (the idea that advantages accumulate). Outliers is a key text in the field of 21st-century popular psychology, and has sold over 1.6 million copies worldwide to date.This book review and analysis is perfect for:-Students of psychology-Anyone with an interest in psychology-Anyone who wants to understand the hidden factors that determine successAbout 50MINUTES.COM | BOOK REVIEWThe Book Review series from the 50Minutes collection is aimed at anyone who is looking to learn from experts in their field without spending hours reading endless pages of information. Our reviews present a concise summary of the main points of each book, as well as providing context, different perspectives and concrete examples to illustrate the key concepts.
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It can be hard for busy professionals to find the time to read the latest books. Stay up to date in a fraction of the time with this concise guide.Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking is an engaging, thought-provoking look at the factors that influence our subconscious decision-making and guide our instincts. The book's key concept is that of 'thin-slicing', whereby the use of a streamlined source of information allows our brains to focus on the most relevant information and draw highly accurate conclusions from it. Gladwell uses a series of scientific case studies and entertaining anecdotes to take the reader on a tour behind the 'locked door' of their subconscious in order to better understand the reasoning behind their own snap decisions. Blink is a key text in the field of 21st-century popular psychology, and has sold over two million copies worldwide to date.This book review and analysis is perfect for:-Students of psychology-Anyone with an interest in psychology-Anyone who wants to understand the hidden factors that shape our thought processes and decisionsAbout 50MINUTES.COM | BOOK REVIEWThe Book Review series from the 50Minutes collection is aimed at anyone who is looking to learn from experts in their field without spending hours reading endless pages of information. Our reviews present a concise summary of the main points of each book, as well as providing context, different perspectives and concrete examples to illustrate the key concepts.
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Book Review: Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
- 50minutes.Com
- 20 Mai 2019
- 9782808019941
It can be hard for busy professionals to find the time to read the latest books. Stay up to date in a fraction of the time with this concise guide.
Thinking, Fast and Slow, by the Nobel Prize-winning economist Daniel Kahneman, explores the fallacies that can impair human decision-making and the biases that may lead us to act in an irrational way. Kahneman posits that the human mind is governed by two systems of thought, which we lean on in different circumstances, and that our perception can be shaped by a host of outside influences. Thinking, Fast and Slow is an acclaimed international bestseller, with over one and a half million copies sold to date and glowing reviews from outlets including The Economist, The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. Along with Amos Tversky, Kahneman has carried out pioneering work on human decision-making, and his collaboration with the Nobel Prize-winning economist Richard Thaler has played a key role in the development of the burgeoning field of behavioural economics.
This book review and analysis is perfect for:
- Students of psychology ;
- Anyone who wants to understand how we really make decisions ;
- Anyone with an interest in the principles behind human thought processes ;
The Book Review series from the 50Minutes collection is aimed at anyone who is looking to learn from experts in their field without spending hours reading endless pages of information. Our reviews present a concise summary of the main points of each book, as well as providing context, different perspectives and concrete examples to illustrate the key concepts.
Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
Change is only 50 minutes away! Find out everything you need to know about parenting a gifted child with this straightforward guide.
Giftedness is often viewed as a blessing, but in some ways it can also be a burden for gifted children and their parents. Indeed, gifted children face a range of specific problems, from a lack of stimulation and motivation at school to difficulty relating to their peers, who do not understand that they simply think differently. Fortunately, these challenges to not have to hold your child back, as thoughtful, tailored support and guidance will enable them to make the most of their talents, appreciate what makes them different and thrive in all areas of their life.
In just 50 minutes you will be able to:
-Identify the key indicators that suggest that your child might be gifted
-Support your gifted child in their education and encourage them to make the most of their abilities
-Learn about the potential social and educational difficulties facing gifted children and take steps to counter them
The Health and Wellbeing series from the 50Minutes collection is perfect for anyone looking to be healthier and happier in their personal life. Our guides cover a range of topics, from social anxiety to getting ready for a new baby, and provide simple, practical advice and suggestions to allow you to reduce stress, strengthen your relationships and increase your wellbeing.Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
Gândire, rapid? ?i lent? : O carte despre erorile care pot afecta luarea deciziilor umane
Glorieux Dries
- 50minutes.Com
- 20 Janvier 2023
- 9782808602495
În Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman explic? de ce oamenii iau deseori decizii eronate ?i ira?ionale, prezentând un set de informa?ii culese în urma muncii sale cu Amos Tversky de-a lungul deceniilor. Acest rezumat ?i analiz? clar? ?i detaliat? este un instrument valoros pentru oricine dore?te s? în?eleag? bestsellerul lui Kahneman: include o explica?ie am?nun?it? a obiectivelor autorului, o discu?ie a conceptelor-cheie explorate în lucrarea sa, inclusiv euristica ?i prejudec??ile, ?i defini?ii ale termenilor-cheie, cum ar fi ancorarea ?i efectul de cadou. Acesta ofer?, de asemenea, o introducere la impactul operei lui Kahneman asupra unor domenii precum psihologia, ?tiin?ele politice ?i economia comportamental?, precum ?i o discu?ie despre principalele critici aduse operei sale, oferindu-v? tot ce ave?i nevoie pentru a în?elege aceast? carte influent? în doar 50 de minute.Despre Gândire, repede ?i încet : Thinking, Fast and Slow identific? dou? sisteme de gândire, denumite Sistemul 1 ?i Sistemul 2, care determin? modul în care proces?m informa?iile ?i lu?m decizii. Acestea sunt rapidul ?i, respectiv, lentul din titlu ?i lucreaz? împreun? pentru a ne ajuta s? facem alegeri. Cartea exploreaz?, de asemenea, prejudec??ile ?i abera?iile care îi determin? pe oameni s? ac?ioneze ira?ional, ilustrate cu studii de caz ?i exemple din via?a real?.Despre Daniel Kahneman : Daniel Kahneman este un psiholog ?i economist israeliano-american. Este cunoscut mai ales pentru colaborarea sa de lung? durat? cu psihologul Amos Tversky, cu care a efectuat cercet?ri privind procesul decizional care i-au adus Premiul Nobel pentru ?tiin?e Economice în 2002. Cercet?rile sale, în special colaborarea sa de-a lungul anilor cu Richard Thaler, laureat al premiului Nobel în 2017, au jucat un rol important în fondarea domeniului economiei comportamentale. Kahneman este în prezent profesor emerit de psihologie ?i afaceri publice la Universitatea Princeton.
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