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14 produits trouvés
This engineer dictionary includes all the aspects of civil engineering and combat engineering; it is a very useful book when dealing with all buildings aspects, but also regarding defense and security - both at home and abroad: mobility support, countermobility, and also topography and meteorology. It includes the latest changes regarding mines ans booby-traps - and more specifically IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices).
Undo the math how semiotic gaps warp thinking
Marc Idelson
- L'Harmattan
- Recherches En Gestion
- 11 Avril 2012
- 9782296969933
In a study inspired by author's observation of the spiraling out of control use of mathematics by bankers, financiers and economists, the Western world's reliance on arithmetic and geometry is traced back, with support from the works of Medieval historian Alfred Crosby and of Anthropologist of Knowledge Paul Jorion, to its Medieval and Antiquity roots. The author bases on different areas such as philosophy with François Jullien's Chinese thought and Michel Bitbol with his epistemological reflections.
The health information systems of developing countries have made significant progress these last years. Nowadays, the challenge they are facing is that of their use and the acknowledgement of their usefulness by all health-systems players. Indicators at the national level would be of interest if health information systems are effectively operational.
Traduction anglaise de l'édition française parue en 1996.
Critique poétique de la raison mathématique; crítica poética de la razon matemática
José Muchnik
- L'Harmattan
- 26 Octobre 2015
- 9782343073828
"Lorsque la poésie critique entre en action dans la critique poétique, la chance d apprendre à penser mieux, c est-à-dire librement, s accroît. Les équations du bien penser et du bien parler s enivrent jusqu à faire surgir un écrire tendant vers l infini dans une explosion des temps. C est pareille tempête que nous propose la poésie de José Muchnik, nous invitant à « palper » de tout notre être-lecteur. (Traduction de l espagnol de Sara Yamila Muchnik et Yann Ludovic Henaff)"
Emergency medical 3d printing : a case study during the covid19 pandemic
Roman Hossein Khonsari
- L'Harmattan
- 3 Mai 2023
- 9782140347757
During the first COVID19 wave, the trust of Greater Paris academic hospitals (Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris) faced an unprecedented situation: a significant number of medical devices were used in extraordinary quantities and international supply chains were defective or interrupted. To overcome the risk of shortage, a team of health professionals and engineers settled a central emergency 3D-printing platform. This book tells the story of this initiative, reports its results, and proposes general guidelines for the integration of additive manufacturing in hospitals. 3D-printing has transformed our approach to the conception and production of the tools we use to treat patients. For the first time in modern history, professional production machines can be located within health institutions. 3D platforms are extraordinary boosters of innovation, research, education, and valorisation. Based on a particular story, this book investigates the paths leading to innovation in public structures and proposes guidelines for the promotion of interactions between health professionals and engineers.
Essential mathematics for studies in physics ; for undergraduate students, from angle to field
Emire maga Mondesir, Eliezer manguelle Dicoum, Gilbert Mbianda
- L'Harmattan
- Harmattan Cameroun
- 14 Septembre 2012
- 9782336002842
This book is a summary of essential mathematics for undergraduate physics students. Throughout many examples, it developps basic geometry often forgotten or mathematical aspects which are not the focus of physics teachers. It will permit students to feel more comfortable and confident with the study of physics.
Ce dictionnaire du génie est un ouvrage qui couvre tous les aspects du génie civil et du génie militaire, très utile pour tous les aspects touchant la construction, mais aussi la défense et la sécurité, tant intérieure qu'extérieure. Il tient compte des dernières évolutions en matière de mines et de pièges et tout particulièrement les EEI (Engins Explosifs Improvisés), rencontrés aussi bien sur les opérations humanitaires que militaires.
Le changement climatique en Afrique de l'ouest / climate change in west Africa
- L'Harmattan
- 16 Novembre 2009
- 9782296103122
Cet ouvrage rend compte par divers articles du changement climatique en Afrique de l'Ouest, de l'initiative ivoirienne sur ces changements, du lien climat-crise financière. La seconde partie expose les actes du colloque de Grand-Bassam sur les changements climatiques et le dialogue environnemental en Afrique de l'ouest.
Employment, training and research in psychiatry and mental health ; an innovative tutoring project in Europe
Laurence Fond-harmant, Jocelyn Deloyer
- L'Harmattan
- Logiques Sociales
- 25 Septembre 2017
- 9782343131276
During the last decades major changes were observed in psychiatry practice especially with regards to rehabilitation and reintegration. The TuTo program was initiated to respond to the needs of the psychiatry and mental health fields while enabling an exchange and interaction between professionals and researchers from ten European countries. This publication illustrates the current challenges the young professionals are facing throughout their lives.
This book was first published in French as "Emploi, formation et tutorat en santé mentale. Des innovations nécessaires en Europe" in 2017.
Bomb "N" : ressources mysteries and opportunities of the Congo basin; advocacy of Denis Sassou N'Guesso for the protection of the planet
Michel Innocent Peya
- L'Harmattan
- 27 Août 2018
- 9782343155951
"this book is devoted to the Congo basin, the second largest reserve in the world: its natural ressources, its mysteries, legal and institutional framworks, national, subregional and international levels that protect it. The basin of Congo is an African opportunity for the whole world. its preservation and its protection over time are an action of conscience, will, commitment, determination ans sacrifies for the benefit of humanity."
The pollution peril of the niger river
Sidy Ba
- L'Harmattan
- Etudes Africaines ; Serie Environnement
- 14 Mars 2019
- 9782343171449
This book examined the different types of pollution of the Niger River, as well as their consequences, known and visible, subtler and more unsuspected, but all as perilous. This book on the pollution peril brings scientific clarifications on the mechanisms of contamination of various types of pollutants and their impact on animal and plant species. The author proposes some possible solutions to prevent, limit and reduce the growing pollution of the Niger River.
Teaching social research methods in digital contexts
Maria carmela Catone, Paolo Diana
- L'Harmattan
- 26 Novembre 2020
- 9782336318905
D'une perspective scientifique, cet ouvrage en langue anglaise contribue au débat sur l'enseignement des méthodes de la recherche en sciences sociales au niveau universitaire, sur la base des expérience pédagogiques des auteurs.
Technocracy in America ; state, governance and expertise in american political thought
Giovanni Borgognone
- L'Harmattan
- 26 Novembre 2020
- 9782336318912
À la fin du XIXe siècle, les sciences sociales aux États-Unis théorisent la nécessité de restructurer le pouvoir publique en Amérique, en soumettant toute politique à un contrôle « rationnel » et techniquement mesurable sur la base de paramètres précis, qu'on a par la suite développés (ouvrage en langue anglaise).
Cyber security
Zoltan Rajnai, Huu Phuoc Dai Nguyen
- L'Harmattan
- Harmattan Hongrie
- 7 Février 2023
- 9782140265297
The booming of the Internet of Things (IoT) benefits individuals, businesses, and society. The IoT can allow consumers to utilize their mobile or smart devices to manage the security of their homes, health, finance, and life. More-over, the IoT may assist companies or factories globally optimize operations and enhance customer satisfaction by tracking their goods during shipping, location, control, and security. Although the Internet of Things (IoT) and cy-berspace provide several advantages, they are fraught with vulnerabilities, dangers, and security concerns. Hence, computer and network security are a concern for traditional security awareness organizations. Vietnam, a tiny country in Southeast Asia, is one of the world's top 20 most populous coun-tries; however, the country's information and communication technology (ICT) economy has just recently evolved. As a result, it exits many vulnerabili-ties and security holes in its network system. This research seeks answers to the following five crucial questions to determine whether Vietnam is prepared to tackle any security issues or find solutions to them: What are cyber threats? Are they potentially hazardous to Vietnam? What can Vietnam do to protect itself against cyber-attacks? How can Vietnam work with foreign groups to address these concerns? What are the advantages of Visegrad's defense methods against cyber-attacks from other countries? Which cybersecurity solutions have been adaptable to Vietnam?